
Reddit signal messenger
Reddit signal messenger

reddit signal messenger

job interview through signal app pallas athene argos fragrantica chair smells. Heck, the one time in recent memory that I sent someone text messages and they actually went via the Signal protocol, it really threw the recipient for a loop. June 3rd, 2015 - After yearsAfter years telus mystery shopper reddit.

reddit signal messenger

This is all unfortunate, since I strongly suspect that 99% of my Signal app usage is as an SMS/MMS app.

reddit signal messenger

You would need to create a second profile or set up a work profile which creates a partition so the OS thinks its not the same app. Dual Messenger wont work with Signal on any phone because you can only have Signal installed once. Especially since iPhone users are obsessed with sending MMS content, as they live in a bubble where they think everyone else is also on an iPhone and its not really sending antiquated MMS. This feature is about local configuration. Having to manually change some setting when Wi-Fi calling is on/off (and its never on reliably, regardless of whether its enabled in settings), and having MMS break sporadically, gets kinda annoying after a while. The general wonky-ness with MMS when I use Signal as my SMS app is making me constantly question whether I should just turn off that feature and go back to just using the stock Android messages app for that. Singaporean here currently working towards an ACA qualification.

Reddit signal messenger